Rain Rain Go Away!!! Come again in a week or two. The garden has slowed down. With all the rain and cool weather and the days getting shorter the plants are not growing as fast as they want to. A little sun and warmth would solve the problem but I don't see it in the forecast.
The Summer Squash succumbed to the Squash Beetle and Downy Mildew. The Squash did great this year but it was still difficult for me to pull the plants out. The two rows are now cover cropped with Oats and covered with Remay (white protective cloth) so the birds won't feast on the seed. The Oats will grow and in October I will plant Garlic in the 2 beds amidst the Oats. Over the winter the oats will die back and provide a nice mulched covering for the Garlic to grow up between in the Spring. Yes, I said Spring!! When it gets to be this time of year part of the thinking and planning for the garden is getting ready for Spring.
As for the pick up this week it is pretty much the same as last week. I am hoping the rain will slow up some so i am not up to my neck in slushy water.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
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