Sorry this post is late. It is for the pick up that occured on Thursday Sept 15th. Lately I seem to be behind in everything. I would like to blame it on the weather or something besides me but don't think that is quite the case. Any way here it is it any of you need to refer to it.
The weather has been quite cool. It is like fall here so of course all the hot plants like tomatoes, peppers, Eggplant have slowed down considerably. There are still fruit on them but they are taking their time ripening. Now the Greens and lettuce have perked up and the pole bean second planting has decided to make some beans. The garden still looks good except for the cucumbers that are struggling with Downy Mildew. They don't like the cool damp weather. I hope they can hold on and make some cucumbers. I sprayed them with a Organic fungal herbal mixture and I hope they like it. We will keep our fingers crossed.
It is time to start cover croping the garden also. I have 3 50ft. rows planted. Now for the tedious part of planting between the vegetables. I am excited to see the Oats and Barley come up so fast. It makes a nice cover for the soil and helps it get through the winter.
I will try to have my post up on time this week.
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