Fall is definitely upon us. The shorter days and longer nights, all the rain, and the cooler days. This changes the garden quite a bit. Everything slows down in growing and maturing. The warm weather plants - Tomatoes, peppers, Eggplant are slowing down. It is a different story for the cool weather plants. The Chard looks gorgeous, the Kale is coming into its own. The Brussels Sprouts are finally making their little appearance on the stem. I sure hope they continue to grow so I can share them with you by the end of October.
I have been busy weeding all the crab grass out of the beds and planting Oats, buckwheat and field peas in the beds among the vegetables. This will give a blanket to protect the soil over the winter.
The second crop of pole beans are up to the top of the netting and looking good. The cucumbers on the other hand are really struggling with Downy Mildew. I am trying to keep them alive but only time will tell.
The Bees are busy getting ready for winter also, I have been feeding them sugar syrup and they have been devouring 2 quarts of syrup every 5 days. The North hive is small and needs lots of help or they may not make it. The South hive is strong. They should not have any trouble making it through the winter.
Looking forward to seeing you this week.