The last CSA pick up date has been moved from today to Thursday Nov 17th from 4 to 7pm. The reason for the change is the Brussels Sprouts are not ready. They are growing but ever so slowly. Also it they go through a frost they will be sweeter and taste better. speaking of frost that is suppose to happen tonight. The Kale and Carrots will also be sweeter to the taste and be bigger.
All the greens, lettuce, carrots, and chard are covered to protect them from the frost. I guess we are truly getting to the end of our growing season. I have cover cropped all the beds with oats and some with a combination of oats and Buckwheat. The picture shows the oats on the Garlic beds. Yes, I planted 1200 cloves of garlic in amongst the Oats. 600 Rieslig Hard Neck and 600 Italian Red Soft neck (good for braiding) I think I will be up to snuff on the garlic share next year provided everything grows without a hitch. The rain today will help get them nestled in for the winter. Why plant the cloves in with the oats? Well, the oats provides a winter protection for the garlic and the soil while nourishing the soil. Then in the spring the oats have died down forming a nice mulched bed for the garlic to grow up through and this helps to suppress the weeds. It is so exciting to think about how the plants survive through the cold and wake up in the spring and provide us with yummy food.
Well I have to go out in the rain and feed and water the chickens.
Have a fun Halloween.