Wednesday, June 20, 2012

First CSA Pick up for 2012

Tomorrow is the first Fire Ring Farm CSA pick up of the season.  It also possibly will be a record setting High temperature for June 21st.   We will be up early harvesting veggies before the heat sets in.  When you come for pick up remember to bring your bags and probably a small cooler with some ice to keep things cool.  If you want to visit the gardens and see what is growing, or visit the chickens allow for a little extra time.

On the Card above the veggies listed in Bold Red are what will be available this week. As you know, this is subject to change.

I am sending an email with more detailed info about pick up in it..

Happy Summer Solstice!!!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June is here!! CSA Pick ups start this month!!

This weather has been something. First the sun is out shining and making me take off my jacket and start sweating and then the big gray rain cloud floats over and drenches me with water.  By the end of the day I don't know if my clothes are wet from rain or sweat.  It reminds me of the story of the Sun and the Wind trying to see which is stronger and can make the old man take off his coat.

     Anyway, I have been working hard planting, planting, planting .The Lower Garden if full of lots of wonderful veggies - Celery, Chard, Broccoli Rab, Field Onions, Scallions, Shallots, Leeks, Peas, Carrots, Celeriac, Sweet Peppers, Fry Peppers, Hot Peppers, 5 kinds of Slicing Tomatoes, Paste Tomatoes, and flowers.  The Blueberries have berries as well as the Raspberries.  Things are looking good!!
There is always a catch however, we are sharing our peas and Beans with a Bunny!!.  Yes, this year the Bunny found us.  I am trying to catch him/her and give them a new home in the woods.I have sprayed the plants with Liquid Fence (It is an organic egg base deterrent)  but that means that the peas and beans are struggling to out grow the giant muncher.

     The upper East garden has baby Zucchini Squash  starting to grow.  The potatoes are planted and up in their cozy potato boxes, and we are preparing the bed for the Sweet Potatoes.  Still need to get the Winter Squash in the ground.

     The CSA pick up starts Thursday, June 21st.  from 4pm to 7pm here at the farm.  We are getting excited to see all our extended farm family.  I have put together a pick up schedule I will be emailing soon - Hopefully this weekend.

     So all you CSA members get your bags ready!
